3rd Grade STEAM~Soil Contamination

The Third Grade has a problem.  Our Garden is in trouble and we need to solve the problem.  Our garden soil has been contaminated because of some critters that need to be treated.  How can we fix this soil contamination problem?  We are going to brainstorm and work in groups to solve this REAL LIFE PROBLEM.  We want to have a healthy garden with healthy soil with fruits and vegetables we serve in our cafeteria.  Let's get to Work!!


Soil Contamination & Preventions
Reduce Soil Pollution

Container Garden

Vertical Garden
Hydroponic Garden

                  Third Grade Steam Project

Our garden needs to be treated for termites this summer.  When this process is completed our soil will be contaminated.  It is important to keep our garden free of pesticides and other harmful elements.  Our garden will grow best if we use organic materials and compost fertilizer. Because the treatment for termites involve pesticides, we cannot plant our edible plants in the ground.

Discussion/ Brainstorm
#1. Think about ways we can overcome this problem.
#2. How can we still grow vegetables?
#3.What did people do in history when their soil became contaminated?
#4. As our population increases and land becomes scarce what will our gardens look like in the future?

Solution-Writing piece


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